Instant Article Placement

Get your business instantly listed and linked on top of currently ranked articles providing you clients and valuable search engine juice for only $89!

Custom Article SEO Campaign

We will create a custom article on your business with a link to your website and rotate it on over 600 City Business Networks for only $149!

Video Creation and Promotion

We will create a custom video on your business and promote it on the web for as little as $495!

Special Recent Posts

Local Search – Claim your small business listings

Local Search – Claim your small business listings

April 4th, 2014

With all the competition for search results, getting your website to appear at the top of the search engines for common keywords is beyond the budgets of most small businesses. So how can you be found on the web? By targeting local search results and directories that provide services in[...]

WordPress for Small Business Websites

WordPress for Small Business Websites

April 4th, 2014

Picking a platform to build your small business website is like choosing a floor plan for a new house. A simple search turns up an overwhelming number of options, and whittling them down to one that meets your needs at an affordable price point is time consuming. I hope this post[...]

Keyword Discovery – Why picking good search terms is important

Keyword Discovery – Why picking good search terms is important

April 4th, 2014

Most small businesses now realize the value of ranking high in the search engines to drive traffic to their website. And there are many SEO companies out there capitalizing on that. They can promise, and deliver, a good ranking. However, are they really providing value? The issue comes down to what[...]

SEO Strategies for Small Business

SEO Strategies for Small Business

April 4th, 2014

The world of SEO has become a cluttered mess in recent years. Navigating these treacherous waters takes a strong will and, at times, a strong stomach. However, for your small business website to have a measure of success, a good SEO strategy is necessary. Here are a few key elements[...]