New Website Promotion – 50% off!

New Website for Small Business SEO Web Design

After much effort, the new website is here! In order to celebrate we are offering half-off on any‘Basic’ package website or higher! Just mention this offer when filling out this form and we will get started. has been around for many years and was due to be freshened up. We have moved the site to the WordPress platform and completely redesigned it from the ground up.

We have also consolidated our efforts into focusing on providing great services to small business. We are primarily focusing on 3 specific areas: SEO, websites and local search listings.

1. Small Business SEO

The internet can be an intimidating place for small business owners. For something that businesses use and rely on so much, owners typically understand little of how it works and how to leverage it best for their business. Like any other service that you hire professional help on, let us help your business get found on the web.

2. Websites

Web design is a constantly changing and growing field. What was considered best practice just a year or two ago is frowned upon now. Customers are coming to expect more from their web experience and if your website does not deliver, they are likely to shop someplace else.

We can get a great experience going in less time which keeps costs down and you within your budget.

However, the costs of a great website often do not mesh with the budgets of small business owners. That is where a fine-tuned process and utilizing a platform like WordPress delivers. We can get a great experience going in less time which keeps costs down and you within your budget.

3. Local Search Listings

If you have a storefront, potential customers are more and more likely to find you via a local listing service, on the web or via a mobile app. By making sure your presence on these sites is current and full of good information, you maximize the value of such sites to your business.

We now offer a service that makes keeping all those sites up to date simple and quick. Instead of visiting each site individually, just update your information once and let our service make sure those sites are updated.

We are excited to have the new site up and running. We hope your visit here is helpful and we would love to work with you to make your small business a success.